After four and a half years of having no idea what to actually do with this website, I’ve decided to start giving the internet my thoughts on everything from politics to pop culture to my deep disdain for Texans’ obsession with the brunch buffet. (Seriously someone explain to me the appeal of paying money to serve yourself mass-produced scrambled eggs out of the same chaffing dishes as strangers, a phenomena usually reserved for strip clubs Chinese restaurants, and roadside motel continental breakfasts.)
Anyways, where was I?
Oh yeah, I’ll be bringing you commentary on a wide range of topics, with maybe a little focus on political current events until that becomes too depressing/enraging/repetitive then I’ll spice it up with a rant on something a-political – like grown men wearing tank tops in restaurants. Or grown men wearing tank tops at all.
Hey, look, I get it. I probably have nothing interesting to say and no one will probably ever read this. And why should they? I’m really just another basic white girl, a suburban-raised self-proclaimed liberal coastal elite. But in the past 7 years I have chosen to live, love, learn and work in Red States, exposing myself to people who disagree with me and have a very different way of looking at the world. It’s not always easy, and in fact sometimes it’s downright disheartening and sad.
And here I find myself at a cross roads.
Our country is in a scary place, and my first instinct after this past election was to run as fast as I could back to as blue of a blue state as I could find. I wanted to go back into the safe haven’s of the coastal cities that I so love, that are so filled with people like me, maybe even go to graduate school and hide away for a year or two in an ivory tower while other people figured it out. But instead here I am still living, at least for now, in Texas, bringing you glimpses of life outside the blue states from a blue-blooded Democrat, with a good amount of heart, humor and a whole lot of sass.
My name is Maria Elena, I am a Millennial, and I have no idea what I am doing with my life. So let’s write about it.